our mission


Group Walking to State House with Signs (2).JPG

Our mission…

Organize the Rhode Island faith community, its leaders and members, into a force that can be mobilized and is to be reckoned with, at the federal, state and city/town levels on matters impacting the poor, the vulnerable and the disenfranchised.

Connect the common threads of our faith traditions and build awareness of those connections to enable us to fight poverty with faith; helping all believers see the solid line connection between what they believe and what is happening around them that impacts those "least of these."

Advocate for and accompany the poor, by encouraging community organizing and development, advocating for grants, spotlighting initiatives of consequence and supporting challenges to the status quo, i.e. the culture of poverty.

Empower poor communities to discover their own resources and capabilities, to embrace them and to discover the means of success in a democratic society that starts with personal responsibility and expands to community responsibility-taking.

Our values…

● Our faiths are our strengths.

● All faiths have a voice and every voice matters.

● Regardless of our specific faiths, love is the higher power


Our history…

The Rhode Island Interfaith Coalition was formed in 2008 to serve as a faith-based voice on systemic issues that underlie poverty. The Coalition is an advocate for sound legislation and public policies that address the causes of poverty and that promote economic well-being for all Rhode Islanders.